We are building a legacy for generations to come.

Spaces and places for people to grow in faith, gather in community and make a difference in the world.

We believe that we are called to be life-giving as a church. We want to bring life wherever we go.

We are passionate about building His Church to be a life-giving source reaching every life, home and community with the message of Jesus.

As a church we are believing to build a legacy through people’s lives touched and changed by the goodness of God. To see a legacy for the generations to come that tells of the goodness and faithfulness of God. 

We’re building places and spaces where the generations can encounter God and His goodness. We know that it’s not by might, nor by power, but only by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

In 2008, Pastors Jono & Amy and a faith-filled team began what is now known as Gardn Church.

It has grown to be a thriving community of faith where people grow in a loving relationship with Jesus and go into their world to make a difference.

In 2020, 7.5 acres of land adjoining the Pacific Motorway at Chinderah, Northern New South Wales was purchased for a future home for Gardn Church.

Every year, more people across all generations from Bundjalung Country are finding fresh hope and discovering Jesus at Gardn Church.

People from all generations and backgrounds come to Gardn. We have newborn babies to toddlers, primary school children to high schoolers, young adults to families, to people at all ages and stages of life. We love that so much!

Our future home is designed to provide spaces and places for people from all generations and stages of life to gather in community, grow in God and make a difference together.

We are so thankful for your faith-filled posture and your financial support that continues to position our church in a place to fulfil its mandate from God as a Church to be life-giving.

Amongst other things, our mandate for these building master plans is to build a centre that facilitates the greatest treasure a man woman or child could ever know – the goodness of God. Yes, it is to help care for our growing life-giving community, but it’s also ‘bigger than us’. 

From generation to generation this spiritual home will become a hub to facilitate a move of God. Once again thank you for partnering with us as we all partner with God. This is his idea. 

We’re so thankful that we can share these years, they are exciting days.

Jonathan & Amy Kerridge
Senior Pastors

Architect designs and plans have been submitted for a future home for Gardn Church on 7.5 acres adjoining the Pacific Motorway at Chinderah, Northern New South Wales.

The Gardn masterplan for development approval includes: 

  • Auditorium with capacity for 750 people 

  • Meeting room spaces and parenting rooms adjoining the auditorium area 

  • Café and outdoor seating spaces 

  • Kids facilities for babies through to 12 year olds

  • Kids play area

  • Nature trails

  • Youth facilities for 12-18 yr olds 

  • Youth outdoor spaces including 

  • basketball and skateboard areas 

  • Outdoor open grass spaces 

  • Outdoor chapel 

  • Hardscaping & landscaping 

Like honey dripping off a spoon, you are bringing sweetness to your community.

It is beginning slowly but as it continues it will come suddenly and with power. Just as honey takes a while to come off a spoon and then comes all of a sudden.”

Ps Nathan Bean
June 2016

Just get ready. 
From the north, the south, the east and the west a convergence of awesome things are happening, favour is coming. The winds are shifting, the direction and your sails are going to catch the momentum of your season in the kingdom’ 

Ps Michael Maiden 
November 2018

As we look to the future – we look with faith and expectancy to what God can do.

Over the years, many respected pastors and friends of Gardn Church have given words of encouragement for our future from the word of God.

It’s time for a bigger jacket.
Get ready for your next. God has a bigger jacket. He wants the authenticity of this house to reach more people than you’ve ever known. It will be built on revelation. You’ll have the creativity and calling for the revelation’ 

Ps Danny Guglielmucci 
August 2016

New wine, salvations, harvest. 
The Lord led me to Amos 9:13 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes.” 

Ps Nathan Bean 
October 2019

I see resources for that dream God placed in your heart. 
I see resources and not just a little bit of resources. In fact, he’s going to give you great faith. One day you’re going to speak something and it will happen real quick. Amos 9:13 Things are going to happen so quick that the sower will overtake the reaper because God’s depositing in you in his presence faith to speak to mountains and they will be removed’ 

Ps Russell Evans 
January 2023


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Gardn Church Property Trust
BSB: 032552
Account: 165504


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Make cheques payable to: 

PO Box 1834


For more information on Building a Legacy, contact us at: