
Gardn Kids


Gardn Kids is where our next generation grow in a loving relationship with Jesus, make great friends and learn how to go and make a difference in their worlds. Gardn Kids happens every Sunday for ages 1 to grade 6 during our Sunday Services and is a safe and fun environment for young lives to grow and flourish in the house of God.

Age Groups

  • Sprouts (1—2yrs)

    Our Sprouts are introduced to Bible stories, songs and a loving environment to play and make friends.

  • Seedlings (3—5yrs)

    Our Seedlings are engaged through Bible stories, songs and crafts. Time is dedicated to lesson time and worship to help them grow in a loving relationship with Jesus.

  • Jungle (K—Grade 2)

    At Jungle, our kids experience a time of worship and a message designed specifically for their age group. Small group time is introduced where they make great friends and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

  • Wildlife (Grade 3—6)

    At Wildlife, our older kids experience a fun, interactive environment of worship, the word of God, small groups and are challenged to go and make a difference in their worlds.

Growing young lives to flourish.




How can my kids be a part of Gardn Kids?

Your kids are welcome to join us at Gardn Kids for any of our Sunday Services. Simply come to the “Check-In” desk and our team will help you!

What is a small group time?

Small group time is where our kids are split into smaller groups of 5-10 kids and discuss and ask questions about the lesson and pray together.

Who supervises Gardn Kids?

We have an amazing team of volunteers who are leaders in our Gardn Kids programs. All our leaders and volunteers complete a full induction and Working With Children Check to ensure that they are able to safely and securely supervise your children.

How can I ensure my kids are safe at Gardn Kids?

We will require you to check-in your children at Gardn Kids and provide medical and contact information when they attend our program and we will require you to check-out your children before they leave our program. We are committed to providing a safe and fun environment for all our kids.

Complete a Gardn Kids Registration Form before your first visit to save time at check-in.


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